Several people have asked me when my next book is going to hit books stores. So here’s a quick summary of where things stand.
Publication Date
The publication has been moved to December 1, 2013. Copies of the book should be in the bookstores by then. Hopefully copies, especially in ebook form, will be available on-line in November.
New Web Site
My new web site was finalized today (yea!) and officially launched. I’ll now be able to keep my blog updated with everything that’s happening which should also post on FaceBook and Twitter. Please give me a “like” on my author page if you get a minute.
The Advanced Reader Copies of the book showed up in my office last week and I’m now sending them out for reviews. Thanks to all the authors and bloggers who agreed to read it and provide a review! As soon as they come in, I will start posting them.
In addition to traditional bookstores, I’m trying to place copies in boutique wine stores. This week, I’ve started reaching out to see if anyone is willing to carry them. Again, thanks to those who’ve already responded and are willing to carry the book. I’ll be sure to add a list when the books start shipping. If you know of anyone who is interested, please let me know.